

Benefit from Social Proof & PR

Power of PR

Are you taking advantage of the power of PR? 

The way we access information and get inspiration has changed. Official sources such as traditional tourist boards are no-longer valued. Instead we turn to friends, valuing peer-to-peer tips. We use ideas gleaned from the internet, social media and the media. When a journalist writes about a place, it's seen as an external endorsement and can be very powerful.

In the North York Moors National Park we're fortunate that Amanda Brown works hard to gen…

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Become a North York Moors National Park Champion

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This is a sneak peak at something we're just getting started with. I initially called it 'Ambassadors' but decided 'Champions' is less stuffy and more celebratory. You don't need to be super-human to participate! I can't give you all the details yet, but here's an outline which I hope will convince some of you to get involved and be the initial pioneer champions - or guinea pigs...

We'd like to work more closely with some people/businesses who really love their area and want to collaborate to r…

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Destination coverage through PR activities

If you've spotted an article or snippet of information about the North York Moors National Park in the media, chances are it's been generated through PR activities initiated by the North York Moors National Park working with Amanda Brown from A2BPR. Amanda continues to generate significant press coverage by working with journalists, proactively suggesting ideas for travel features, responding to requests and arranging itineraries.

Recent activity has included journalist visits from Lottie Gross…

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